OTTIMO CREATIONS is a Distribution company focused on distributing well sought after brands across multiple categories to over 5000 Embassies,Consulates and their procurement systems world wide. Here in Canada we cater to over 350 Embassies and Consulates. We work directly with their Ambassador’s, Consuls, diplomats & procurement officers on a daily basis to help them procure the best branded products to support the needs of their staff members, personnel and various chambers of commerces they deal with world wide.
Ottimo Creations, together with its distribution authorization to include the following:
All non-U.S. embassies and consulate procurement systems, both official gift-giving and commissary procurement, including individual officers and staff.
The United Nations and the agencies that fall under its umbrella and respective procurement systems, including individual officers and staff.
Foreign military procurement (limited to out-of- country deployments as defined by vendor agreements.)
State-owned and affiliated government agencies and entities Markets and Market Scope
The United Nations System The United Nations procurement includes its Secretariat, which alone employs 40,000+ officer and staff in more than 170 countries. It also includes almost two hundred country missions to the U.N. and more than forty entities, such as UNICEF, the World Bank, the World Health Organization, the World Trade Organization, each of which procures for commissary operations or organizational support. There are 15 U.N. peacekeeping missions and one political mission around the world employing 130,000 troops, police and civilians. The United Nations Office for the coordination of Humanitarian Affairs maintains offices and presence in more than 50 countries.

Foreign Military do not presently pursue sales to AFFES or U.S. military procurement agencies. The procurement systems for many foreign militaries, both domestic and out-of-country deployments are among our customers.
Non-U.S. Embassies and Consulates Much of the worldwide procurement for embassy and consulate commissaries is centered in each country's New York consulate, U.N. mission or Washington embassy.
State-owned and quasi government entities. There are worldwide and regional entities that are State owned or government sponsored. A client example is a construction and engineering company which employs more than 350,000 who work on more than sixty major projects in 20+ countries.